Scripture & Reason
But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect
1 Peter 3:15.
Made in His Image—or Making Him in Ours: The God of the Bible vs. The God of Our Imagination
Who is Jesus? What was He like? Are you able to describe Him or articulate what He was passionate about? What about the Father, what is He like? What is He passionate about? We hear people who are passionate about social reform present Christ as the social justice warrior, overturning cultural norms among the socio-political…
When Seeds Fail to Bear Fruit: Reflections on the Reality of Walking Away from the Faith
I recently came across a deeply moving story about a believer who abandoned their faith. This individual had a substantial following on YouTube, though I must admit that I was unfamiliar with them before this incident. In the interview, they shared some of the reasons that gradually led them away from the faith, using the…
A Burden for the Lost: How Christ’s Mandate Should Move Us to Action
Are we living in a post-christian time? This thought was passed around recently in the black-hole that is social media. Is Christianity losing ground? Is there a spirit of our time prevailing now in a way that it hasn’t in times past? I don’t think so, the world is as sinful as its ever been.…
Apologetics: A Call for Every Believer to Defend the Faith
Apologetics is a subject that is near and dear to my heart, and I would argue that it should be this way for all believers. I recently taught a class on apologetics, and in preparing the materials for this pursuit, I was reminded of how I became interested in the subject. I found the Lord…
Leading as a Servant: The Power of Christ’s Humility
“Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of its God” (Bruce Shelley) This is the opening to Bruce Shelley’s incredible work Church History in Plain Language and this sentence came to mind as I found myself reading the thirteenth chapter of John recently. The story of Jesus washing…
Apologetics: A Biblical Mandate for Compassionate Defense
I recently received an invitation to teach a class on apologetics, a subject that ignites my passion. As I concluded the final session, I realized I had never truly articulated what apologetics entails in writing. This post aims to rectify that. At its essence, apologetics can be defined as the act of presenting a defense…
The Crisis of Biblical Literacy: How a Lack of Scripture Knowledge Fuels False Teaching
Why is it that so-called prophets and prosperity pastors are paraded on platforms promising promotion and provision all the while rarely if ever preaching the gospel of Jesus or calling the world to true repentance? Why is it that megachurches led by pastors who feel the need to sully their scriptures with sweet substances, or…
How to Finish That Bible Reading Plan: Or any other goal you set
New Year New Me The transition into a new year brings on thoughts of change. “New Year, New Me!” is the common mantra for those who set the turn of the year as their time to become the person that they’ve dreamed of becoming. We’ve all begun new year’s resolutions, full of zeal and fervor,…